our approach

a differentiated approach to FUELING CLINICAL RESEARCHers WITH KNOWLEDGE

Our management and customization solutions are as modular and flexible as our trainings.

we are so much more

customized solutions

With myGCP for business, we provide companies with customized, end-to-end managed solutions designed to transform your company, align your clinical research staff, build agility and real working knowledge of Good Clinical Practice.

unique approach

We are not just an online learning catalog of dozens of GCP training courses. Instead, we offer learning solutions from your own company-branded myGCP portal to a plus-and-play LMS all the way to complete custom training develolpment.

Leverage our experience

Our team has dozens of years of experience in technology, didactical education methods, content development, GCP knowledge, life-science solutions, innovation, regulatory, commercial growth, and more. 

myGCP: your learning environment

Whether you are a university, hospital, CRO, pharmaceutical, or biotech company, small or large, together we are building a community, ensuring better clinical research knowledge. Here’s how learners benefit from myGCP. 


7 modules, 10-minute chapters. Pick where you left off.



No restricting structure. Follow multiple modules simultaneously.


Keep learning through news and discussions. Get notified about course updates.



Visual and quiz-based learning. Engage with other learners using the forum.



Learn on your own time. Build on previous knowledge, minimizing redundancy.


Self-paced. Tailored to your individual learning requirements.

Our aim is to provide all researchers across the world with convenient access to quality GCP knowledge.

Does your company need a regulatory training system? myGCP is also available as a plus-and-play white-label LMS platform and can be branded for your organization.

looking for less than 5 licenses?  you can buy them right now >>

what makes mygcp different?


Changing the future of GCP training means, taking a new approach to learning. Through our myGCP app, we make good clinical practice a core part of everyday practice for research professionals.

It simply doesn’t stop after you’ve attended your annual course, we keep you engaged with the latest regulatory updates and relevant knowledge that allows you to learn continuously.

integrate seamlessly

Offer our training content through the learning portal of your company via a secured LTI connection. This allows the use of our engaging and interactive content while tracking training compliance in a company learning management system.

Best of both worlds.

COMPLIANCE reporting

Gain easy insights in the progress and certification of your sites or staff. Centrally download certificates, send reminders to staff lacking necessary certification and download detailed training reports via our dashboard.

SMART Learning

Our approach is unique and ground-breaking, we’ve developed a concept called SMART training which underpins our methods and practices.

We’re committed to staying ahead of the market and delivering the latest research standards and regulations with an innovative approach.


No travel and accommodation expenses, just efficient online learning in short bite-sized modules which are easily … in the busy work schedule of clinical and site staff.

custom content

Create personalized learning programs for your staff, tailored for your company and their responsibilities by adding case scenarios, baseline tests, exams, and company or protocol specific training.

not sure where to begin? get a free consult