Webinar Replay
How you can drive better quality clinical research and learning retention with CONTINIOUS LEARNING
Do you want your team to learn, or simply mark a checkbox?
Continuous learning is the way of the future. Utilizing this innovative learning method means higher learning retention, reducing the time and money spent on retraining, and reduces the risk of non-compliance with knowledge that is continuously updated. If you want to learn how your company can drive better clinical research through embracing the future of e-learning, this webinar is for you. Explore how your company can respond faster and more flexibly to industry changes with host Marieke Meulemans of GCP Central.


save time and money

reduce risks and non-compliance

Increased Flexibility

improved position on the labor market
About the webinar host

With over 15 years of experience within the clinical research world, Marieke founded GCP Central in 2012 and is the driving force behind the company vision. Her eagle eye for detail and her passion for innovation is changing the face of Good Clinical Practice training.